
(CANCELLED) CAMS-PIMS Symposium on Optimal Transport and Applications
Unfortunately this event has been cancelled. When it is rescheduled, it will be re-added to this website.

The Center for Advanced Mathematics and the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences are organizing a Symposium on Optimal Transport and Applications at the American University of Beirut from November 6-11, 2023. Registration is now open. The event will include minicourses on the following topics

  • Introductory course on Optimal Transport (Brendan Pass, University of Alberta)
  • Numerical Methods in Optimal Transport (Quentin Mérigot, Paris-Saclay University)
  • Stochastic Optimal Transport and Finance (Walter Schachermayer, University of Vienna)
  • Optimal Transport in Physics and Cosmology (Yann Brenier, CNRS)
PIMS online graduate course on Optimal Transport + Gradient Flows

In the fall term of 2023, Soumik Pal (UW) and Young-Heon Kim (UBC), will offer a graduate course on Optimal Transport

  • Gradient Flows. This course is part of the PIMS Network Wide Graduate Courses program and will be accessible remotely. Students in the PIMS network of Universities will be able to register for credit through the Western Deans Agreement.
Free boundary problems in optimal transportation
Jiakun Liu (University of Wollongong, Australia)
In this talk, we introduce some recent regularity results of free boundary in optimal transportation. Particularly for higher order …