
(CANCELLED) CAMS-PIMS Symposium on Optimal Transport and Applications
Unfortunately this event has been cancelled. When it is rescheduled, it will be re-added to this website.

The Center for Advanced Mathematics and the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences are organizing a Symposium on Optimal Transport and Applications at the American University of Beirut from November 6-11, 2023. Registration is now open. The event will include minicourses on the following topics

  • Introductory course on Optimal Transport (Brendan Pass, University of Alberta)
  • Numerical Methods in Optimal Transport (Quentin Mérigot, Paris-Saclay University)
  • Stochastic Optimal Transport and Finance (Walter Schachermayer, University of Vienna)
  • Optimal Transport in Physics and Cosmology (Yann Brenier, CNRS)
PIMS online graduate course on Optimal Transport + Gradient Flows

In the fall term of 2023, Soumik Pal (UW) and Young-Heon Kim (UBC), will offer a graduate course on Optimal Transport

  • Gradient Flows. This course is part of the PIMS Network Wide Graduate Courses program and will be accessible remotely. Students in the PIMS network of Universities will be able to register for credit through the Western Deans Agreement.
Free boundary problems in optimal transportation
Jiakun Liu (University of Wollongong, Australia)
In this talk, we introduce some recent regularity results of free boundary in optimal transportation. Particularly for higher order …
A Nonsmooth Approach to Einstein's Theory of Gravity
Robert McCann (The University of Toronto)

While Einstein’s theory of gravity is formulated in a smooth setting, the celebrated singularity theorems of Hawking and Penrose …

A Nonsmooth Approach to Einstein's Theory of Gravity
Econometrics and Optimal Transport Workshop - June 2023
Please see the event website for more details or to register. Confirmed Speakers Adrien Blanchet (Toulouse School of Economics, Mathematics) Jose Blanchet (Stanford University, Management Science and Engineering) Xiaohong Chen (Yale University, Economics) Victor Chernozhukov (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Economics) Tim Christensen (University College London, Economics) Nabarun Deb (University of British Columbia/University of Chicago-Booth, Statistics) Xavier d’Haultfoeuille (ENSAE, Economics) Rui Gao (University of Texas-Austin, Mathematics) Florian Gunsilius (University of Michigan, Economics) Tetsuya Kaji (University of Chicago-Booth, Econometrics/Statistics) Francis Kramarz (ENSAE, Economics) Lixiong Li (Johns Hopkins University, Economics) Jean-Michel Loubes (Universite de Toulouse, Mathematics) Marcel Nutz (Columbia University, Statistics) Guillaume Pouliot (University of Chicago, Economics) Bernard Salanie (Columbia University, Economics) Matt Shum (California Institute of Technology, Economics) Xiaoting Sun (Simon Fraser University, Economics) Ruodu Wang (University of Waterloo, Statistics) Organizing Committee Yanqin Fan (University of Washington, Department of Economics) Alfred Galichon (New York University, Department of Economics) Marc Henry (Pennsylvania State University, Department of Economics) Brendan Pass (University of Alberta, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences) Soumik Pal (University of Washington, Department of Mathematics)
Econometrics and Optimal Transport Workshop - June 2023
Locally Lipschitz selection in the principal-agent problem
Robert McCann (The University of Toronto)
We prove the agent’s choice will be a locally Lipschitz function of their type in the subclass of principal-agent problems considered …
Locally Lipschitz selection in the principal-agent problem